­­­­­Experthub Robotics debuts Robotics Developers Championship in the UAE


Experthub Robotics, UAE’s one-stop robotic project turnkey solution provider announces the debut of the first ever online Robotics Developers Championship in the region on 1st November. A 3-staged challenge, the championship is designed to put solution providers & developer’s robotics development skills to the ultimate test.

In line with service robot development partners like Sanbot, and Mitra, Experthub Robotics is revolutionizing the use of artificial intelligence in HR to free up human space to focus on complex, creative and strategic tasks. Providing an ambitious platform for developers, the challenge is looking at identifying some key transformative entries that will take robotics to the next level.

Commenting on the awards, Ms Jaya Bhatia, CEO, Advisor, and Founder of Experthubglobal.com said “I am pleased to announce the launch of the first ever Robotics Developers Championship in the UAE. Companies today are adopting automation and robotics to streamline operations and enhance their contribution to overall business goals. At Experthub Robotics, we are pleased to introduce our intelligence-driven virtual HR assistants that can be programmed to boost productivity and efficiency while performing at its optimum. Specially in the ever-changing and evolving economy amid challenging times in business, we are certain our robotics solutions will play a vital role in revolutionising the role of HR.”

Experthub Robotics is also the sole distributor for Sanbot Robots, & Mitra, for the region. Offering the perfect blend of a human and machine, with an ergonomic design fitted with the intelligence-driven humanoid service robots, maintenance, and software support, with 2-year warranty.

Experthub Robotics, with the sole distribution of intelligence-driven humanoid service robots, to support business with Barista Bot, HR Happiness Bot, Waiter Bot, Order Taker Bot, Retail Promoter Bot, Event Host & Promoter Bot, Entertainer Bot, Recruiter Bot, Assistant Bot, and Smart Office Buddy Bot, are here to take us to the next era, with their Robotic solutions, offering Robots, maintenance, and software support with 2 year warranty. With skilled and pre-trained HR BOTS and its humanized approach, these AI enabled robots perform to excel in various industries like Health Care, Hotels, Restaurants, Café, Retails & Malls, Events & Exhibitions, Corporate Offices, and Public Services.

For entering the contest is free, participants fill up the online form, upon acceptance, will go through below 3 rounds of competition

1st Round: Contestants will be receiving the briefing about the competition scoring pattern, and development protocols. Assignment: Contestants, will make presentation on planed project.

2nd Round: Winners of 1st round, will develop the Robotic App, with the SDK provided, within the developers echo system, exploring the best features of the Sanbot. Assignment: Contestants, will make presentation on developed project.

3rd Round: Winners of 2st round, will excel the Robotic App, by applying the corrections suggested by panel, and using one of the hardware integrations, to the Sanbot, Assignment: Contestants, will make presentation on final project, with best use of integrated tools.

Panel consisting of experts in the field of Development will be analysing and submitted projects, to identify the best in the lot. Winners will be entitled of acknowledgement as “Master Sanbot Developer”, “Innovative Sanbot Developer”, “Champion Sanbot Developer”.

Experthub Robotics will be conducting an online award ceremony on 1st of November 2020. Each contestant making up to 3rd round will also gain an opportunity to learn from industry experts, and will be certified as “Certified Sanbot Developer”