KSA: Digital Government Authority announces the results of Digital Experience Maturity Index

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The Digital Government Authority announced the results of the Digital Experience Maturity Index, which was launched on June 8, 2022 and includes 12 government platforms. The Digital Experience Maturity Index for Government Services is based on three main perspectives: beneficiary satisfaction, user experience, and complaint handling. These perspectives encompass a variety of topics. Beneficiary satisfaction is concerned with assessing ease of use, information and content quality, accessibility, and beneficiary support and response. The user experience perspective assesses usability, availability, and shared services.

Response, complaints solutions, complaints channels, and service level agreements are all measured from the complaints-handling perspective. The Digital Experience Maturity Index is divided into five levels, from lowest to highest: Emergent, Developed, Competent, Advanced, and Exceptional.


The general index of the digital experience maturity of government services for 2022 reached (77.26%). The results of the top five government platforms are as follows: (Absher) Platform (85.59%), Tawakkalna (82.76%), Ehsan (80.83%), Sehaty (80.41%), and Najiz (78.84%) Platforms achieved the Competent Level.


H.E. Eng. Ahmed bin Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan, the Governor of the Digital Government Authority, explained that the Digital Experience Maturity Index for Government Services aims to enhance digital experience and improve beneficiaries’ satisfaction and interaction in accordance with the strategic directions of the digital government and to achieve the goals of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. Al-Suwaiyan  has praised the development of digital government platforms in Saudi Arabia and their role in improving the quality of life, facilitating doing business, enhancing competitiveness, and achieving government work efficiency, which contributed to the Saudi Arabia’s progress in international indicators.

It is worth noting that the digital experience maturity index for government services seeks to involve beneficiaries in the evaluation process by soliciting feedback and evaluating their digital experience. More than 18 thousand beneficiaries were among those who took part.

The Digital Government Authority is the competent authority and national reference for everything related to digital government, including the issuance of measurements, indicators, tools, and reports to measure government agencies’ performance and capabilities in the field of digital government, as well as beneficiary satisfaction with provided digital services.