Utilizing the history of DIAC, alongside the procedures and diverse nature of all three centers will see processes streamlined, provide a centralized workstream and will certainly see more organisations and individuals choosing Dubai as their seat of arbitration. I am particularly pleased with the decision to include EMAC – given how important maritime is to this region history and future.
IP Regulations have been approved by DIFC Authority Board of Directors and issued under the Intellectual Property Law, DIFC Law No. 4 of 2019 (IP Law), facilitating the administration and enforcement of the DIFC IP Law. DIFC’s IP Law and Regulations enhance and augment the UAE’s existing intellectual property laws by working with the federal regime and DIFC legal framework.
The collaboration aims to deliver a global, borderless jurisdiction in which companies can establish, transact and succeed internationally whilst avoiding the increasing boundaries, borders and tariffs of our deglobalizing world.