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August 17, 2021

InMobi launches new powerful telco offering for mobile service providers


InMobi has launched a new powerful telco solution for mobile service providers all around the world. With the launch of InMobi Telco, mobile operators will be able to distribute and monetize engaging content assets, improve their customers’ experience, and expand their businesses. InMobi Telco marks the company’s global expansion into the enterprise telecommunications industry, following its mandate to connect businesses with consumers through intelligent, mobile-first solutions, which has already been adopted by three of the top telecommunications providers in North America and one of the largest in both the Middle East and Latin America.

Swish, a unique home screen concierge for customers that helps them discover content and dynamically adapts to their preferences as they scroll, is one of InMobi’s innovative solutions. Swish contains Swish Folders, Unbox, and Web for exploration, as well as Swish News, Games, and Deals. Swish, which monetizes engagement to generate new revenue streams while attracting and maintaining more consumers for telecoms, is designed to make video consumption a rewarding experience for users.

 “Mobile operators and handset manufacturers are under pressure to deliver the best on-device experience and InMobi’s customized apps help increase user engagement with retention strategies that support growth and activate new revenue streams,” says Chandrashekhar Vattikuti, Senior Vice President, InMobi Telco.

Also added, “With frictionless solutions, intelligent content engagement techniques and seamless discovery experiences, InMobi empowers telcos to deliver better outcomes to end-users and give them a deeper understanding of their customers.”

InMobi Telco Helps Elevate, Scale and Monetize Digital Businesses

As people spend more time on their phones, the sector is once again at a crossroads with huge development potential:

  • Elevate Owned and Operated Channels: With plug-and-play owned and operated media apps designed to increase user engagement, create consumer trust, and gain loyalty, InMobi Telco provides access to long-term revenue streams. Swish offers a variety of frictionless consumer experiences, from Swish Unbox, which improves user onboarding, to inspirational material via Swish Folders and Swish Explore, native surfing with Swish online, and personalized engagement with Swish.Me.
  • Scale Business Growth: According to research, a five percent improvement in client retention can boost a mobile carrier’s profits by 25 to 95 percent. InMobi Telco works with carriers to help them scale growth and increase real-time customer interactions by implementing engaging user engagement and retention tactics.
  • Monetize Telco Assets: To optimize owned data assets and enable the construction of a personalised mobile experience, combine InMobi’s on-device experiences and data monetization platform with telco data to diversify revenue streams. InMobi gives more options to leverage telecom assets and create income opportunities without incurring additional costs thanks to engagement-driven monetization approaches and relevant content.