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October 8, 2022

Proven Robotics and Pudu Robotics introduce next-gen robots in KSA


Pudu Robotics and Proven Robotics held a launch event to unveil Pudu’s signature robots – Kettybot, Bellabot, and Pudubot – for the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kettybot, Bellabot, and Pudubot, robots were built to revolutionize the operational landscape and enhance productivity. They were demonstrated to visitors during the Riyadh Season 2021-22.

“There is an increasing demand for robotics across many industries, and this demand is expected to rise, driven by the introduction of new technologies, a growing need for automation fueled by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the need for contactless and automated interactions,” said Zaid Al Mashari Group CEO of Proven Arabia.

He added, “Our agreement with Pudu Robotics comes in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 that emphasizes economic diversification and aims to support businesses and organizations in Saudi Arabia to utilize the efficiencies created by robots to stay ahead of the curve. We are committed to working with our customers to deliver solutions that match their needs, helping them stay competitive and relevant in an ever-evolving digital era”. 

The live event provided an opportunity for both organizations to demonstrate the robots’ genius in boosting efficiencies, lowering operational costs, and simplifying procedures with AI technology. Proven Robotics and Pudu Robotics representatives discussed the expansion of robotics in the region and the importance of AI and robots in Saudi Arabia’s ambitious effort to make automation and artificial intelligence a major pillar of the country’s economic development strategy.

Kettybot and Pudubot are service delivery robots that can act as a utility assistant in a variety of industries, while Bellabot was designed to revolutionize the human-robot interactive system, helping to make manual tasks in customer service obsolete; while Bellabot was designed to revolutionize the human-robot interactive system, helping to make manual tasks in customer service obsolete; and Kettybot and Pudubot are service delivery robots that can act as a utility assistant in a variety of industries.

Proven Robotics has been providing cutting-edge robotic solutions and a robotics management system that can be customized to fit business needs, enabling local and regional organizations to take full advantage of emerging applications and solutions, to become the leading robotics solutions provider in the Middle East. The company hopes to offer fully scalable robotic automation solutions for customers in various industries and customer-facing sectors through its relationship with Pudu Robotics.

Proven Robotics and PuduRobotics hope to organise additional roadshows in the future, because to their better offerings and global footprints.