
| On
October 19, 2023

SAMENA ACCELERATOR Emphasizes Fixed Networks’ Role in Regional Development


The SAMENA Telecommunications Council organized its SAMENA ACCELERATOR event on 10 Gigabit digital infrastructure in Dubai on October 13th, in collaboration with Huawei Technologies, a key technology partner and council member.

Expanding on the achievements of the 2021 SAMENA ACCELERATOR, which concentrated on enhancing fiberization policies, tackling regulatory and procedural obstacles, and driving the transition to IPv6, the 2023 SAMENA ACCELERATOR centered on the realm of ultra-broadband or “10Giga” networks. This event made a compelling case for leveraging advancements in Fiber and IPv6 innovations.

SAMENA Council firmly believes that advanced Fiber technologies and IPv6, when harnessed as pivotal drivers of Gigabit networks in the South Asia-Middle East-North Africa (SA-ME-NA) region, can significantly expedite digital economic development. This, in turn, aligns with ambitious national ICT visions and charts a course for genuine industrial and societal transformation not only within the region but also in neighboring areas like Central Asia.

During the SAMENA ACCELERATOR’s opening remarks, Bocar BA, the CEO and Board Member of SAMENA Council, emphasized the importance of transitioning to “Giga” networks. These networks, constituting the backbone of national digital transformation, are pivotal for sustainable digital progress, resilient communication, and the realization of national digital aspirations. Moreover, technological capabilities, extending to 5G-Advanced in mobile systems and Net5.5G in IP bearer and data center networks for the intelligent world, play a pivotal role in ensuring end-to-end network quality for the 10 Giga Society. As a result, SAMENA Council advocates the shift to 10 Giga and underscores the necessity of timely policy, regulatory, and business decisions.

BA further highlighted the role of next-generation networks, IPv6, and cloud communications in enabling sectors and industries to fulfill transformational national visions, such as “We the UAE 2031.” He stressed the need to adapt priorities to bridge gaps, whether they exist at the policy, regulatory, investment, cooperation, or ideation level.

The SAMENA ACCELERATOR also underscored the indispensable role of fixed networks as the foundation of ICT and digital transformation visions. Regional markets are preparing for 10Giga technology, which is already available alongside advancements in computing and cloudification. However, the adoption of IPv6, a critical component, is uneven in the region, potentially leading to a new form of digital divide based on varying network quality and experience. The event emphasized the necessity for agile regulation and the importance of collective efforts as regional markets transition toward the “10Giga Society.”

SAMENA Council recognizes the urgency for the region, and neighboring areas, to catch up with more digitally transformed economies. Achieving this will require bold steps in advancing broadband development and IPv6 transition, with the move towards “10 Gigabit” representing a significant leap forward.

At the SAMENA ACCELERATOR, a brief ceremony involving government representatives from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, as well as private-sector participants specializing in broadband, Fiber, and IPv6, marked the commencement of SAMENA Council’s focused efforts on 10Giga infrastructure.