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October 1, 2021

Schneider Electric joins hands with France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai


Schneider Electric has joined hands with France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. Schneider Electric will demonstrate building and energy management solutions as part of the collaboration, which will support France’s focus on innovation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to affordable and clean energy, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action.

Schneider Electric was founded in the French village of Le Creusot in 1836 with the goal of empowering everyone to make the most of their energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for everyone. Through the transformation of how electricity is distributed and utilised, the company employs technology and innovation to promote sustainability and mobility. Schneider Electric will be showcasing the best of its innovation from France and around the world at the France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai through on-site demonstrations.

Visitors to the France Pavilion will be able to view and learn about how technology can help to promote sustainability. The building’s energy usage and carbon emissions will be monitored and analysed using Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert software and sensor hardware, offering insights into the building’s energy and carbon efficiency as well as the number of trees saved. This solution will assist the France Pavilion increase uptime and energy efficiency by utilising concepts like as the Internet of Things and distributed intelligence.

Commenting on the partnership, Caspar Herzberg, MEA President, Schneider Electric, said: “Expo 2020 Dubai’s theme is all about creating the future, and we want to show what is possible in the world of tomorrow by showcasing how our work around electricity is transforming lives for the better. We’re committed to a world that is more equal, where everyone can benefit from cleaner, greener electricity. And we believe that technologies such as digitization, artificial intelligence, and big data will help us to improve access to energy around the world. What better place to tell the story, of how a company that was founded in France almost 200 years ago is creating a greener, more prosperous future for everyone, than at the France Pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai!”

Erik Linquier, Commissioner General for France at Expo 2020 Dubai and Chairman of COFREX, added:“ We are delighted to welcome Schneider Electric as an Excellence sponsor. Its presence as a sponsor fits perfectly with our commitment to raise public awareness on the major causes and challenges of tomorrow and to highlight French innovation sandbold companies.”