
ESET research

ESET discovers watering hole attacks on websites in Middle East, links to Candiru

ESET discovers watering hole attacks on websites in Middle East, links to Candiru

A watering hole attack compromises websites that are likely to be visited by targets of interest, allowing website visitor's machines…

October 8, 2022

ESET Research discovers FontOnLake: Targeted malware targeting Linux in Southeast Asia

ESET Research has discovered FontOnLake, a targeted malware attacking Linux in Southeast Asia. The researchers identified a previously undiscovered malware…

October 10, 2021

ESET researchers uncover ESPecter, a UEFI bootkit for cyberespionage

ESPecter was discovered on a compromised machine along with a user-mode client component with keylogging and document-stealing functionalities, which is…

October 6, 2021

Had your face stolen lately?

You can reset your PIN after a data breach, you can reset your password after a data breach, you can…

October 11, 2020

ESET research finds CDRThief, malware targeting Chinese VoIP platform

This new malware, named CDRThief by ESET, is designed to target a very specific VoIP platform used by two China-made…

September 15, 2020