Navigating and Revolutionizing Sectors through 6G

Emerging roughly every decade, new generations of technology continually redefine […]

“Rising for Industry Sustainability & Efficiencies” conference by SAMENA held in KSA

SAMENA Telecommunications Council held its Rising for Industry Sustainability & […]

ITU: 5.5G to be massively commercialized in 2025

“It is important for unified standards to be adopted worldwide,” said Mathlouthi. “Relevant spectrum guidelines will be released at WRC by end of 2023.” He predicted 5.5G will be put into commercial use in 2025.

Huge spike in cybercrimes with manufacturing on the front line

Emilian Papadopoulos, President of Good Harbor Security, stressed that the crisis had hit companies hard and imposed financial constraints that meant investments in cybersecurity are not necessarily a top priority. The attackers are still coming at us. They didn’t stay at home and stop working. And the coronavirus has just taught us that Black Swan events happen.