

VAST Data & NVIDIA Launch Groundbreaking AI Architecture

VAST Data & NVIDIA Launch Groundbreaking AI Architecture

VAST Data, an AI data platform company, has introduced an innovative AI cloud architecture designed to revolutionize performance, security, and…

March 13, 2024

NVIDIA App Launches Beta, Enhancing ‘Nightingale’ With DLSS 3

Introducing the latest NVIDIA Game Ready Driver, accompanied by the beta release of the new NVIDIA app, an indispensable tool…

February 26, 2024

Google Launches Powerful AI: “Gemma” Runs on Your Laptop

In a stride toward democratizing AI, Google has announced the launch of Gemma, a cutting-edge series of open models designed…

February 22, 2024

NVIDIA Studio Nights 2 Celebrates Local Content Creators

In a showcase of creative talent and technological innovation, NVIDIA, in collaboration with Microsoft, has announced the winners of the…

February 20, 2024

VAST Data & Run:ai Introduce NVIDIA-Powered AI Solution

In a groundbreaking collaboration, VAST Data, an AI data platform provider, and Run:ai, an AI workload orchestration company , have…

February 14, 2024