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October 8, 2022

VMware releases 2021 ESG Report


VMware has released its 2021 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report, which details the company’s ESG performance during the previous fiscal year and outlines its2030 Agenda – a ten-year commitment to promoting a more sustainable, egalitarian, and secure society.

“VMware is committed to driving ESG outcomes through the decarbonization of digital infrastructures, equity through distributed workforce technology, and enhanced security and privacy to build trust with our customers and their stakeholders,” said Joe Baguley, CTO, EMEA at VMware.

He added, “We’re starting to see results, but recognize more collaboration with all of our stakeholders is needed to enable the digital innovation that can change our world for the better.”

VMware’s unique approach to advancing ESG is reflected in the study, which addresses the company’s internal operations and supply chain and its ability to help customers achieve their own ESG goals using VMware technology solutions.

Highlights over the past fiscal year include:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 19%.
  • Maintaining its commitment to 100% renewable energy.
  • Supporting 14,122 nonprofits globally.
  • Engaging 26,251 employees in charitable activities.
  • Establishing a new governance structure at VMware for effective oversight and increased accountability of ESG.
  • Launching the VMware Responsible Sourcing Program for our suppliers, recognizing that our global purchasing power is significant.

Customer success is one of the ways VMware communicates its progress toward its 2030 objectives. Customers like German utility firm WVV, Fujitsu, Moderna, and Zoom have used VMware technologies to reduce carbon emissions and empower their distributed workforces while prioritizing employee health and safety, according to the ESG study.

WVV employs VMware’s technologies and integrated platform to gain the benefits of enhanced efficiency and flexible work arrangements while also assisting Wurzburg in Germany in maintaining highly efficient and sustainable power. In Catalonia, Spain, Fujitsu installed VMware technologies to assist frontline workers. Moderna used VMware software to speed up the production of life-saving pharmaceuticals while keeping staff productive and promoting teamwork, even while they worked away. To develop trust with users, Zoom relies on a VMware infrastructure capable of massive scalability and security.

“Baking ESG outcomes directly into our operations, products and services is ‘The Next Normal’. We’re doing this because we see ESG as a value driver. Our focus on supporting customers in achieving their own ESG goals through VMware technology solutions will be a competitive differentiator for us. It’s the kind of big picture thinking that every company, in every industry, should be thinking about right now,” said Nicola Acutt, VP, Environmental, Social, and Governance, at VMware.

VMware’s dedication to transparency and accountability, as well as using data to improve decision-making and innovation capabilities, is reflected in the study. Since its first report in 2015, the corporation has published an annual ESG report (formerly known as the Global Impact Report).

VMware’s data is also aligned with leading ESG frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are mapped to its 2030 outcomes.

VMware’s 2021 ESG Highlights