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October 4, 2021

Why young minds should learn coding?


An average individual engages with coding every single day in dozens of different ways.

Our daily lives are shaped by apps, software, social networks, and other creatively enabled pieces of code. Teaching children to code is not a new idea. This idea has become the rallying cry of tech industry giants in recent years, giving rise to nonprofits such as Codecademy and Code.org.

Coding is crucial, but why? Kids learn so many other things from learning how to code. Coding provides benefits such as problem solving, abstraction, and the ability to think critically. Coding isn’t just for college students. Our kids can learn it at home as well.

Here are reasons why kids should learn how to code.

Modern society is based on coding

It will be as difficult to deal with the world in the future if you don’t understand computers and how it is programmed. It is fundamentally important to understand the way technology works in order to be media literate, manage life problems, and to pursue a career. We have apps for every life issue we could imagine. All we have to do is look around.

Academic performance is enhanced by coding

Programming is an essential skill for developing computational thinking abilities. The young learn how to structure their tasks, break large tasks into steps, formulate theories, analyze their ideas, correct errors, and develop logic patterns. This can be applied to any field of study. It involves both math and creative writing, but it is done in a more creative and experiential way that can appeal to some kids in a different manner than traditional academics.

A child learns faster than an adult

As with learning a language, learning to code requires practice. Kids can easily absorb information and retain it longer compared to adults. They will have an easier time learning if they are young when they begin.

It’s fun to learn while coding

Coding is the perfect gift for your child if you’re looking for something enjoyable, educational, and helps them to learn. Among the reasons to teach coding is to give them a challenge while having fun. Read more about why coding is so important.

Various skills can be learned by children, and with practice, they can gain some important life skills that will help them throughout their future, and since they are having fun at the same time, why not?

 In the future, coding will be an essential skill since it is a key component of digital transformation. Because of digitization, many services and products will be required to have coding skills in the future.

This story is attributed to Omar Abdulla, Content Developer at TECHx. Omar Abdulla is a university student with a passion for business, artificial intelligence, and technology. He is also knowledgeable about digital marketing, content creation, financial management, and coding. Omar is a team player, an active thinker, and an open-minded guy who approaches work with a problem-solving attitude. He possesses technical skills in programming and design.