Okadoc marks a first for the region with ISO 27001 certification

Okadoc was able to complete the certification process in one year due to the intense and rigorous preparation for the process. Okadoc was required to document and adhere to a comprehensive and company-wide framework encompassing more than 100 security controls, such as policies, procedures, risk management, incident reporting, risk mitigation, staff training, measurement and monitoring.

PMI MENA aims for greater investment in technology to safeguard the region’s future

The event also highlighted the role of technology in unleashing talent and potential. The deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within teams allows leaders, employers, and project managers to allocate repetitive jobs to AI-powered resources.

SMILENEO introduces first licensed teledentistry platform in the region

Several aligner companies are operating in the MENA with questionable patient safety and data standards. Now, more than ever, consumers need an affordable, safe, and convenient teeth straightening option. They need the confidence that comes with receiving treatment from a licensed teledentistry platform that works in partnership with the best licensed dental clinics on the ground to ensure world-class care.

Emirati entrepreneur urges SMEs and entrepreneurs to develop healthcare super apps

Super apps are finding their way into Western markets, the time is right for the UAE to engage its entrepreneurial spirit and accelerate the development of one single mobile app solution. One that provides a high level of convenience for patients, allows for data sharing across platforms and service providers, and eliminates complex processes and procedures involved in managing healthcare.

Expo 2020 Dubai provides complimentary tickets to four exciting educational journeys

Expo 2020 Dubai will provide complimentary tickets to four exciting educational journeys as UAE students are welcomed to the school trip of a lifetime. With the Expo School Programme booking system now available to public and private schools across the UAE, every school student in the nation will be able to experience four tailored educational adventures of Expo 2020.