HONOR Launches AI Eye Protection and Deepfake Detection

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HONOR has introduced two groundbreaking AI innovations aimed at enhancing user safety and well-being. Unveiled during their keynote at MWC Shanghai 2024, titled “The Human-AI Synergy: Intelligent Devices Will Empower People Better,” HONOR showcased its latest advancements: AI Defocus Eye Protection and AI Deepfake Detection.

AI Defocus Eye Protection: Evolving Eye Safety

Responding to the global rise in nearsightedness due to prolonged screen time, HONOR’s AI Defocus Eye Protection leverages cutting-edge AI to simulate defocus glasses on smart device displays. This technology aims to relieve myopia by intentionally inducing controlled defocus in the user’s peripheral visual field, helping to maintain clear central vision and slow down the eye elongation process that leads to nearsightedness. Clinical results demonstrate a significant decrease in transient myopia, with users experiencing an average reduction of 13 degrees and a maximum reduction of 75 degrees after 25 minutes of reading.

AI Deepfake Detection: Mitigating Fraud Risks

HONOR’s AI Deepfake Detection addresses the growing threat of digitally manipulated content by using advanced AI to scrutinize frame-by-frame details such as eye contact, lighting, image clarity, and video playback. Trained on an extensive dataset of scam-related videos and images, the AI can identify, screen, and compare content within three seconds, issuing risk warnings when synthetic or altered content is detected. This innovation provides users with a powerful tool to avoid engagement with potential scammers and enhances overall digital security.

HONOR’s Commitment to Human-Centric AI

George Zhao, CEO of HONOR Device Co., Ltd., emphasized the transformative potential of on-device AI during the keynote, stating, “AI is revolutionizing our lives and driving the smartphone industry forward. On-device AI, which is uniquely positioned to deliver tailored services, has the potential to empower users and enhance their capabilities. We invite all industry players to join us in exploring the untapped potential of on-device AI.”

By focusing on human-centric AI, HONOR aims to deliver personalized services while ensuring user privacy and safety. These latest innovations highlight the company’s commitment to advancing AI technology that benefits users in meaningful ways.

For more information on HONOR’s latest AI advancements, visit their official website or follow their updates from MWC Shanghai 2024.

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