Shycocan becomes Official Safety Partner for the India Pavilion at Expo 2020


Shycocan Corporation has become the Official Safety Partner for the India Pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai. With this partnership, Shycocan will install its certified unique breakthrough technology viral-attenuation devices throughout the entire India pavilion, which are scientifically proven to neutralise, and curb the transmission of virus in the present pandemic in enclosed places with up to 99.9% effectiveness rates.

The devices will be placed at the Indian Pavilion to prevent the spread of Coronavirus in enclosed spaces, ensuring the safety of visitors.

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When mounted, the cylindrical gadget offers a coverage area of 1,000 square feet. When activated, its cutting-edge technology emits high-intensity photons that are harmless for humans, animals, and the environment. As the photons strike nearby surfaces, they emit negatively charged electrons that neutralise the whole family of Coronaviruses, both surface and airborne. The technology protects people’s health and saves businesses by working on all present and future variants, mutations, and mutations of the virus. Additionally, it does not harm the friendly bacterial ecosystem and microbes that thrive in the environment and are essential for our immunity.

Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and supervisor of the India pavilion, said, “India’s massive four floor pavilion aims to captivate millions of visitors from across the globe. With this year’s theme of connecting minds and creating the future, we are committed to leveraging technological advancements to create a smarter, safer, and more balanced world. Our association with Shycocan Corporation in securing the Indian pavilion with their virus attenuation devices is a testament to our efforts in creating the right environment for visitors in the aftermath of the pandemic.”

Alok Sharma, Chief Executive Officer at Shycocan Corporation, said, “India & UAE have always shared fantastic trade and country relations over decades. Now we all face one of our biggest challenges in recent human history when both livelihoods and lives are being lost. The EXPO 2020 Dubai is one of the largest and most prestigious events in the world and is making a pioneering effort in helping restore normalcy and drive growth. We thank FICCI for choosing Shycocan Corporation as the Official Safety Partners of the India Pavilion. This shall help showcase the cutting-edge technology of our Made in India, Made for the World, Virus Attenuation Device, the Shycocan and prove its efficacy by helping protect both the exhibitors and customers who attend the India Pavilion. Shycocan disables the family and variants of Coronavirus with up to 99.9% efficacy indoors making it safe for people to work and live safely, bring back life to normal.”

Since Shycocan’s debut at the ICPM Healthcare Conference & Exhibition in the UAE, significant progress has been made in assisting schools, colleges, hospitals, hotels, offices, restaurants, auditoriums, transportation, retail, and more in resuming normal operations while serving customers in a safe environment.

Shycocan also provides personalised consultations, a robust support and service network across the UAE, and a post-installation audit in addition to the technology.

Shycocan- Official Safety Partner - India Pavilion -expo-2020 - techxmedia

The device, which is classified as a CE Class I device and already meets the regulatory requirements of countries such as the UAE, Qatar, the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Botswana, and India, has seen strong demand from institutional buyers around the world. It has been evaluated in numerous certified laboratories across the world for both safety and efficacy, and it has passed all of them, demonstrating that it can block the Coronavirus in indoor environments with up to 99.9% efficacy. The Shycocan intends to share this ground-breaking technology with as many people and organisations as possible in order to help bring life to normal and business to normal.