HP Study: Leaders Embrace Tech for Economic Growth

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In a groundbreaking study conducted by HP in collaboration with Oxford Economics, business and government leaders worldwide express overwhelming support for utilizing technology, including AI, to drive forward crucial impact goals. The study surveyed executives and officials in 10 countries, revealing that 76% believe technology is pivotal in broadening economic opportunity, with an equal percentage endorsing AI as a catalyst for progress in sustainability and social impact initiatives.

The findings underscore a proactive stance among business leaders, with 90% already implementing or planning to adopt AI within the next 1-2 years. Their objectives span various domains, including enhancing digital education access (90%), fostering workforce development (89%), and promoting diversity in the workforce (86%).

Ernest Nicolas, HP’s Chief Supply Chain Officer, emphasized the transformative potential of AI, stating, “AI’s reach holds great promise to help HP accelerate our sustainable and social impact goals.” He highlighted examples ranging from responsibly crafting AI-powered PCs for first-time users to empowering data scientists who aid local farmers in fortifying their businesses.

Empowering Communities Through Digital Equity

Amidst the digital era, approximately one-third of the global population remains offline, resulting in significant economic losses annually. To address this digital disparity, HP pledges to accelerate digital equity initiatives, aiming to empower 150 million individuals by 2030.

Michele Malejki, HP Global Head of Social Impact and Director of HP Foundation, stressed the importance of inclusive access to technological tools, affirming, “Everyone deserves an opportunity to access the tools needed to thrive in the digital economy.” HP’s latest Sustainable Impact report reveals significant strides, with over 45 million individuals benefiting from digital equity initiatives since 2021.

HP’s collaborative efforts with various organizations have yielded tailored solutions to bridge the digital gap. Initiatives such as the Digital Equity Accelerator and partnerships with World YMCA have facilitated digital literacy improvements and provided access to educational resources, impacting millions globally.

Fostering Skills Amidst Technological Advancements

The study identifies skill shortages as a primary hurdle for organizations, underscoring the critical role of skills development in HP’s digital equity strategy. As part of its commitment, HP aims to enroll 2.75 million individuals in its HP LIFE program, which equips users with essential business skills. Additionally, HP plans to launch a new AI skills course under its HP LIFE Digital Business Skills program, further empowering individuals to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

In a bid to promote responsible AI usage, HP announces the HP AI in Social Impact Award in collaboration with MIT Solve, recognizing initiatives leveraging AI to drive positive societal change. Furthermore, HP introduces Next-Gen AI PCs tailored for work and creativity, marking a significant leap towards accessible AI-driven solutions.

Looking Ahead

HP reiterates its commitment to sustainability and social justice, striving to lead as a responsible technology provider. Through ongoing evaluation and strategic actions, HP aims to foster a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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