Orange Digital Center Inaugurated in Guinea-Bissau

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Orange has announced the inauguration of the Orange Digital Center (ODC) in Guinea-Bissau. This new initiative aims to enhance digital skills, boost youth employability, and foster local entrepreneurship. The launch event was attended by high-level political authorities, including the Minister of Transport, Telecoms, and the Digital Economy, alongside Orange Guinea-Bissau management and members of the Orange Africa and Middle East Management Committee.

Comprehensive Digital Training and Support

The Orange Digital Center offers a holistic ecosystem that combines various free programs designed to develop digital competencies. These programs include hands-on digital training for young people, project leader support, startup acceleration, and investment. The center features a coding school, a “FabLab Solidaire” for digital production and prototyping, and an “Orange Fab” startup accelerator, all supported by Orange Ventures Africa, Orange Group’s investment fund.

Part of a Global Network

Orange Digital Center Bissau joins a network of 26 ODCs across Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. This network facilitates the sharing of experience and expertise across countries, promoting an inclusive approach to enhancing youth employability, encouraging innovative entrepreneurship, and bolstering the local digital ecosystem.

Extending Reach Beyond the Capital

In partnership with local universities, Orange Guinea-Bissau plans to extend its training programs beyond the capital, offering free training to students and establishing Orange Digital Center Clubs in various universities, including in the Canchungo region. This initiative aims to broaden access to new technologies, allowing more people to benefit from digital advancements.

Commitment to Sustainable Development

The ODC initiative aligns with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, targeting six key goals: quality education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), reduced inequality (SDG 10), and partnerships to achieve the goals (SDG 17).

Brelotte Ba, Deputy CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, expressed pride in inaugurating the center, emphasizing its role in transforming and growing Guinea-Bissau’s digital future. Sekou Dramé, CEO of Sonatel and Chairman of the Board of Orange Bissau, highlighted the significance of providing young talents with the tools and resources for skill development, contributing to a dynamic and sustainable digital ecosystem. Thérèse Nogoye Tounkara, CEO of Orange Guinea Bissau, reiterated the company’s commitment to digital transformation and sustainable development.

Empowering Youth, Promoting Equality

Through the Orange Digital Center, Orange is dedicated to enhancing youth employability, supporting sustainable growth, and advancing Guinea-Bissau’s digital transformation. The program also promotes gender equality and inclusion, making ICT jobs accessible to women and girls.

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