Apart from its global business portfolio, ZorroSign’s UAE clients include several entities from the private and public sectors that are entrenched in the Emirates’ digital transformation ecosystem.
As per the company, TCTx will give customers access to a wide range of digital, blockchain, fintech, xaas, ICT, mobility, telco, and managed services solutions to help them increase productivity, transform their businesses, and grow.
FTFT Capital Investments LLC, a Dubai-based Blockchain investment firm, announced strategic agreements with top businesses considering its growing interests.
NFTs are digital assets that have unique codes stored on the blockchain that prove their authenticity and ownership. With 5G delivering lower latency, quicker speeds, and lower capacity, there are no limits to the innovative ways this technology can be applied in the NFTs industry. The network that supports NFTs must provide lightning-fast connectivity to allow bidding down to the millisecond.
The BSV Global Blockchain Convention opened its doors for the first time in the UAE and will remain there until May 26th, 2022, at the Grand Hyatt, Dubai.