5 indications you’ve been scammed, plus advice on what to do next

Without understanding the importance of the personal information being collected people are likely to go about their daily business blaming the lampposts for the adverts they see next week.

ESET uncovers WinorDLL64 Backdoor, potentially linked to Lazarus Arsenal

ESET researchers have discovered the WinorDLL64 backdoor, one of the payloads of the Wslink downloader. The targeted region, and overlap in behaviour and code, suggest the tool is used by the infamous North Korea-aligned APT group Lazarus.

ESET introduces ESET Cyber Security with native ARM support for macOS v7.3

ESET, a cybersecurity company, announces several enhancements to its popular ESET Cyber Security for macOS product line, designed to provide essential protection for Apple users

Top Venmo scams and how to be safe from it by ESET

A range of slick digital payment apps has emerged over recent years to make the whole process as seamless as possible for end users. scammers have also found apps like Cash App, Zelle and Venmo to be fertile hunting grounds.

ESET Research finds trojan version of telegram used by StrongPity APT group

ESET researchers identified an active StrongPity APT group campaign leveraging a fully functional but trojanized version of the legitimate Telegram app