A hyper-aware industrial site is instrumented such that applications are cognizant of the contextual status of the environment, machines, occupants, inventory, service needs, security, and safety.
There’s no question that the datacenter network must be reimagined and redesigned to account for the rise of the distributed datacenter. All facets of the distributed datacenter should undergo network modernization to deliver the agility, flexibility, elastic scale, inherent security, and simplified management that cloud requires.”Brad Casemore, Research Vice President, Datacenter Networks, IDC.
While the world is dealing with the worst health and economic crisis of the past century, there’s been a subtle shift in the public narrative. We’ve moved from the shock of the pandemic to thinking about how to ease back to some sense of normalcy with a phased approach to reopening economies.
The acquisition will strengthen Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform), helping to advance enterprise cloud transformation with a comprehensive edge-to-cloud networking solution covering all aspects of wired, wireless local area networking (LAN) and wide area networking (WAN).
According to a Gartner analysis on the future of work trends 2020, the global pandemic has forever changed how organizations approach and view remote working. The market research firm predicts that at least 48 percent of workers will telecommute, compared with 30 percent before the pandemic forced most of the world’s workforce to self-isolate.