Callsign launches Dynamic Interventions to tackle authorized push payment fraud

Callsign has announced Dynamic Interventions, which are managed by its Orchestration Engine. This technology enables organizations to detect social engineering scams in real-time and intervenes when fraud is detected, delivering contextually relevant and personalized messages that protect users from becoming victims of fraud.

Active adversaries increasingly exploit stolen session cookies to bypass MFA

Sophos, a global provider of next-generation cybersecurity, reported in the Sophos X-Ops report “Cookie stealing: the new perimeter bypass” that active adversaries are increasingly using stolen session cookies to circumvent Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and gain access to corporate resources

Security concerns in the emerging Web 3.0 world

The World Wide Web is undergoing a transition to Web 3.0, which is being fueled by advancements in cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, decentralized applications, and decentralized file storage.

Cybercriminals may target 2020 Tokyo Olympics, FBI warns

“Adversaries could use social engineering and phishing campaigns in the lead up to the event to obtain access or use previously obtained access to implant malware to disrupt affected networks during the event. Social engineering and phishing campaigns continue to provide adversaries with the access needed to carry out such attacks,” the federal law enforcement agency warned.

Remote workers in the crosshairs: Mimecast publishes new report

The report describes how attack volume surged by 48% during the first year of the pandemic, with sudden increases in volume corresponding to spikes in COVID-19 infection rates in April and October 2020.