Braintrace’s NDR technology is a key component for defending against cyberattacks today and in the future. Sophos research demonstrates how adversaries aggressively and constantly change tactics to evade detection and execute their attacks.
“ThreatQ Data Exchange is a powerful new component of the ThreatQ platform and is critical for achieving more control over the collection and dissemination of threat data,” said David Krasik, Director of Product Management, ThreatQuotient.
In a recent CyberSocial webcast, industry experts David Grout, CTO EMEA for FireEye and Yann LeBorgne, Technical Director for ThreatQuotient, helped listeners tackle the challenges. Using threat reports as an example of one type of published threat information, they responded to real-time polling results as they provided advice on how to analyze a threat report and make it actionable.
The Company is committed to building and preserving a strong partnership and at closing will enter into agreements designed to maximize the benefits for joint customers.
A full 86% of respondents indicated their companies had experienced a business disruption, financial loss or other setback in 2020 due to a lack of cyber preparedness. Respondents identified ransomware as the chief culprit behind these disruptions.