Women 20 (W20), the women’s engagement group to the G20, challenged G20 leaders to live up to their promises of the past and make women’s economic equality a reality.
Laying out measures to expedite the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the W20 presented its Communiqué to H.E. Dr. Majid Alqassabi, Minister of Commerce, Chair of G20 Trade and Investment, representing the Presidency of the G20.
The pandemic provides an opportunity for G20 leaders to reset G20 economies based on the full and equitable participation of women.
“Unless urgent action is taken, the pandemic will continue to exacerbate gender inequalities, expose vulnerabilities, and roll back gains made on women’s equality. Women will be disproportionately negatively impacted and left to bear the brunt of a multidimensional crisis,” said Dr. Thoraya Obaid, W20 Chair.
“G20 leaders need to act now. If not this year, that has exposed the fissures in our cultures, policies, and public services, then when?”
Key measures G20 leaders should take immediately to expedite inclusive economic recovery:
The W20 is concerned about the lack of direct recognition by G20 Leaders of the impact the pandemic and national responses are having on women. So far, national relief packages fail to account for the specific financial and institutional needs of women. The delivered Communiqué addresses these shortfalls to achieve lasting change for women globally.