AI-Driven Trends to Expect in 2024

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Rahul Yadav, Chief Technology Officer at Milestone Systems

As we venture into the heart of 2024, businesses across the Middle East are eagerly working towards innovation and growth. In the security industry, specifically, there are specific trends professionals are looking forward to considering the progression of 2023. 2024 anticipates two pivotal trends — game-changing video analytics software and the proliferation of Edge AI—poised to redefine security solutions in the region, propelling us into a future where proactive, intelligent systems collaborate seamlessly with human oversight.

The region has witnessed numerous innovations in its security landscape in 2023, including developing data-driven video analytics, cloud computing, AI-driven accomplishments, and Machine Learning. According to a recent study by the International Data Corporation (IDC), expenditures on security solutions and services in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) are projected to rise by 7.9% year on year in 2023, reaching $6.2 billion. The IDC’s latest Worldwide Security Spending Guide forecasts an increase to $7.7 billion by 2026, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8% across 2022–2026.

With 2023 coming to an end, businesses are gearing up for 2024. Here are two of the key trends Middle Eastern companies can look out for:

  1. Game-Changing Video Analytics Software

The realm of video analytics in security has transcended mere object detection; it has ventured into a realm where software becomes discerning eyes, perceiving nuanced behaviour and predicting future actions. Advanced video analytics, akin to the technology steering self-driving cars, has unveiled a world where software identifies and comprehends scenes in real time.

Within this trend, segmentation reigns as a beacon of innovation. This technique grants a profound understanding of scene dynamics, unravelling the intricacies of unfolding events. Combined with image enhancement, it refines video quality, enabling precise identification of behaviours—from a simple walk to a brisk jog or a swift run. The software transcends mere object recognition; it delves into human interactions, comprehending the delicate tapestry of how humans engage with one another and their environment.

Anomaly detection stands as another cornerstone. It empowers operators to make informed decisions by highlighting incidents that deviate from the norm, offering a glimpse into potential threats or irregularities. Moreover, the advent of predictive capabilities, harnessing the advancements in large vision and language models, teases a future where operational efficiency in security reaches unparalleled heights. Generative AI promises to furnish detailed textual descriptions of objects and their interactions, painting a vivid picture for human comprehension.

However, the true essence of this trend lies in the symbiosis between software and human expertise—a human-in-the-loop approach. While the software adeptly identifies and alerts for specific behaviours, human operators meticulously review recordings, validating insights and making informed decisions. This collaboration creates a feedback loop, amplifying the software’s accuracy and predictive capabilities with each human’s input, ultimately fostering improved performance.

  1. Edge AI: Redefining Real-Time Security Processing

2024 marks a significant acceleration in AI development at the edge—within devices such as cameras and sensors—ushering in a new era of real-time, autonomous processing. Traditionally, AI tasks were relegated to the cloud or limited local processing power. However, the rise of Edge AI brings forth a middle ground where devices autonomously handle AI tasks, diminishing reliance on cloud resources.

This trend boasts dual advantages. Firstly, it facilitates faster and more efficient processing by operating closer to the data source, ensuring real-time analysis and response. Smart cameras and IoT devices are now equipped to analyse and act on data autonomously, reducing latency and enhancing responsiveness—a critical aspect of security monitoring.

Secondly, Edge AI embodies cost-efficiency. Reducing dependence on cloud resources slashes bandwidth costs and latency, which is particularly beneficial for security tasks demanding real-time monitoring. This cost-effectiveness renders Edge AI an appealing choice within the security domain.

The fusion of enhanced capabilities and cost-efficiency propels Edge AI into the limelight as a compelling solution. 2024 promises further advancements in this arena, unlocking many sophisticated applications within devices and reshaping the security landscape.

As these trends converge, they epitomise a future where AI augments human capabilities rather than supplants them, ensuring proactive, data-driven security solutions. Embracing these advancements is not merely about staying current; it’s about cultivating a safer, smarter world—one where technology and human expertise harmoniously unite to shape a new era of security.

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