The Elder Scroll Online: Lost Depth DLC pack launched for PC

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The famous RPG game by Bethesda The Elder Scrolls Online got its latest DLC Pack The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths for PC/MAC and Stadia. The DLC release also came with an Update 35 base-game patch which includes improvements and added features to the game.

Consoles players shouldn’t feel bad though as the game will be released for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 consoles on September 6, 2022.

How to get The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths DLC pack?

ESO PlusTM membership is required to access the DLC, although you may also use crowns from the game’s Crown Store to buy it.

The DLC game pack for The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths is available for purchase via the in-game Crown Store for 1,500 crowns (listed under DLC). You should be aware that if your ESO Plus subscription expires, you will no longer have access to the DLC until you renew your membership or pay for it with crowns. However, you will still retain all of the items, achievements, and other benefits you have accrued while you have had access.

For 4,000 crowns, you may also purchase the Lost Depths Collector’s Bundle, which grants access to the DLC game pack as well as the Pangrit Nymphling pet, Turquoise War Pangrit mount, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. The Featured section of the in-game Crown Store is where you can buy the Collector’s Bundle.

What all do the players get in The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths?

Extending the year-long quest of the ‘Legacy of Bretons’ the DLC pack gives players two dungeons to challenge four-player PvE groups called ‘Earthen Root Enclave’ and ‘Graven Deep’.  The Graven Deep Dungeon puts players on the task to traverse a mysterious uncharted island and help Dhulef of the Mages Guild delve into a vast underwater Dwarven facility. Players will have to fight deadly beasts and monsters along with the dead so that they can stop the storms that plague the sailors of the Abecean Sea. Players will also uncover new lore surrounding the legendary Druid King and his journey to the Systres Archipelago.

In Earthen Root Enclave, players will have to protect the dungeon which was once a safe haven for Druids attacked by a group known as Firesong circle. Help Druid Laurel face a new peril that could bring ash and devastation to Tamriel while defending the enclave from marauders and safeguarding the site’s most prized artefacts.