
May 3, 2020

We need video games that are social platforms

During these long, mundane physically-distant days, stretching on into an […]
by | 2 min read
April 29, 2020

Eight actions CIOs must take during the coronavirus pandemic

CIOs should immediately establish what aspects of their current spend can be deferred, eliminated or altered. Attention should be focused on spend that is not yet incurred or committed and is nonessential/discretionary and variable in nature.
by | 3 min read
April 28, 2020

Sainsbury’s feeds its supply chain strategy with Blue Yonder

By partnering with the in-house engineering expertise of Sainsbury’s Tech, together the two businesses will create an autonomous self-learning supply chain platform with advanced machine learning capabilities.
by | 2 min read
April 28, 2020

SAP recognizes companies for leading digital transformation

The SAP MENA Quality Awards recognize the region’s top digital transformation initiatives. Judges ranked winners based on realized business benefits across four categories: Business Transformation, Cloud Transformation, Fast, and Innovation.
by | 2 min read
April 27, 2020

How Freight Poster Fl export’s Ryan Petersen learned to CEO

Ididn’t know what the term ‘freight forwarder’ meant until a year […]
by | 5 min read
April 26, 2020

Kodak Alaris’ Annual Partner Summit goes virtual

Alaris President & General Manager Don Lofstrom confirmed that despite the challenges presented by the current global pandemic, Kodak Alaris’ performance in the financial year ended March 31 was strong overall. In his address to partners, he provided an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the business and the marketplace over the past four months, as well as steps Kodak Alaris has taken to minimise disruption to its customers.
by | 3 min read
April 26, 2020

Aladdin.Life launches platform to empower telecom customers

Research by Aladdin Life has revealed that only 20% of UAE customers believe they are on the best mobile plan that suits their needs. 70% believe they can save moderate to significant amount by moving to the best plan.
by | 2 min read
April 26, 2020

An explanation of machine learning models

If you are new to data science, this title is […]
by | 3 min read
April 26, 2020

Chemical recycling could be the solution to plastic pollution

The world is drowning in plastic. About 60% of the […]
by | 3 min read
April 25, 2020

Silicon Valley needs a new approach to studying ethics now more than ever

Next month, Apple and Google will unveil features to enable […]
by | 3 min read