Unless digital solutions are embedded at the very core of the value chain, their transformative capabilities will not fully benefit organizations. When Industry 4.0 technologies such as artificial intelligence, the cloud and the internet of things are deployed concurrently, they can deliver accelerated benefits such as optimized business processes and value efficiencies while improving staff productivity.
Grant Reid, Vice President,Events and Entertainment, Expo 2020 Dubai, said “Through Kaleidoscope, our subthemes – Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability – will be vividly brought to life, reminding us of their relevance now more than ever before.”
Poly has identified six distinct workplace personas and the emerging trends, to establish the workplace technology requirements that organisations must be aware of and adapt in a fine-tuned regional nuisances, pandemics, and new methods of working.
The last 12 months have forced businesses to pivot and adjust to the new market realities, it also empowered them to accelerate digital transformation projects, many of which had been embarked on before COVID became part of the vernacular, and leverage technology as an enabler for the shift in their operations.
“As UAE and Middle East customer expectations have changed during the pandemic, marketers have taken on increased importance in guiding digital transformation in their organizations,” said Robbie Kearns, Senior Regional Vice President.