WSO2 introduces Asgardeo next-Generation IDaaS at GITEX

Organizations are accelerating their digital initiatives, but fail to meet company’s security policies. With Asgardeo, enterprises can encode their security policies and standards to reduce development time and transform security reviews into simple check-the-box exercises.

Pre-GITEX Interview with James Petter from Pure Storage

TECHx secured an exclusive interview with James Petter, VP International, Pure Storage, as part of its pre-GITEX coverage to learn more about what Pure has been up to. Take a look at the responses we received.

NetApp launches Spot Wave for big data applications on Kubernetes

Wave automates the provisioning, deployment, autoscaling and optimization for running Apache Spark big data applications on Kubernetes in the cloud and helps to reduce cloud waste and costs by up to 90%.

Ericsson named a Leader by Gartner for 5G Network Infrastructure for CSPs

End-to-end 5G network infrastructure vendors were evaluated on how they enable IT provider performance to be competitive, efficient and effective and to positively impact revenue, retention and reputation within Gartner’s view of the market.

IoT in 5G Network – Research by Jayakumar. S PhD – Part 2

The expansion of smart sensors usage is being hindered by the lack of a universal standard, especially in the wireless region. Recognizing that no single sensor bus or network is likely to dominate in the foreseeable future