Kaspersky’s experts designed a new training program on Suricata rules, empowering users to detect and stop advanced threats effectively
The course, led by Abed Samhuri, Cyber Institute Lead at Axon Technologies, is open to all who want to advance their network security skills and validate their industry knowledge.
As the UAE prepares the next generation of talent for the modern workforce, equipping students with in-demand skills is a top priority. As a result, Khalifa University, an internationally ranked research-intensive university in Abu Dhabi, has partnered with Coursera Inc., one of the world’s largest online platforms, to make its rich and relevant content available to Coursera learners worldwide.
The new graduate program will enhance technical and commercial competence and knowledge of the candidates. The program will offer opportunities of working hands-on on commercial projects at strategic and global level. Facing challenges and tapping on the potential of activating their leadership skills, graduates who join Ericsson will gain insight into business, and witness first-hand how to make Imagine Possible.
Dr. Vikas Nand Kumar Batheja, says, “This year, we have introduced new MBA specializations at our Capital University College. This is to bridge the gap of aspiring professionals and the rapid advancements in the UAE region. Our program is carefully designed to deliver rigour and flexibility, for our diverse cohorts to build foundations, but also explore interests and new directions.”