Metaverse gaining popularity among young gamers worldwide

Video games are now the first choice of entertainment for people ages 13 to 17—ranking above social media, TV, music or any other form of media—according to a new study by Bain & Company. These young gamers are currently spending more time and money in the metaverse than older gamers,

The Elder Scroll Online: Lost Depth DLC pack launched for PC

The DLC game pack for The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths is available for purchase via the in-game Crown Store for 1,500 crowns (listed under DLC).

Free games from Epic Games Store that gamers can enjoy

Want to play Games but not spend exorbitant prices for them. Then game enthusiast or beginners should check EPIC Games store for collections of free games that anyone can enjoy.

Seven games many are eagerly awaiting in 2022

Video games have gained a lot of traction over the last decade with the rise of e-sports and the occurrence of game enthusiast streaming for content.

EMG 2022 brings two days of ‘Gaming and Entertainment’ to DWTC

The festival will be held from June 10th to 11th and will include the official Global Esports Tour (GET) CS:GO LAN tournament with a grand prize pool of $250,000 USD.