Logitech, which was recently voted number one in the world for video conferencing hardware by Synergy Research, will demonstrate its top video collaboration solutions at GITEX alongside its partner Avientek.
“With the enhanced performance and connectivity of our new Wi-Fi 6 gateways, service providers can provide their subscribers with the ability to connect more devices to their network with enhanced reliability,” says Ken Haase.
With office spaces sitting empty for most of 2020, many organizations have recognized the opportunity to significantly downsize and save on real estate costs. I believe this will be a great thing for employees. Because at the same time, organizations are also transforming the way space is used, bringing it into better alignment.
Each tech specialist will be interacting with customers via videoconferencing technology, connected to a high-resolution display and embedded speaker system, ensure clarity for the entirety of the conversation. Lenovo’s experts behind the screens will also have products on hand, to point out key features and answer specific questions, just as they would via in-person interactions.
Moro Hub is working with Dell Technologies to develop and deliver highly reliable enterprise cloud computing solutions, integrated infrastructure administration services and servers, secure data storage solutions, and innovative information technology applications.