NRTC Fresh insights on consumer shopping behaviors in the UAE


NRTC Fresh, the online delivery platform for fresh fruits and vegetables, has released insights on its consumer shopping behaviors and trends in the UAE. Remarkably, the e-commerce platform has witnessed an increased growth in online shoppers this year. 

According to the report, over sixty-one thousand UAE residents registered on the NRTC Fresh platform, with 54% being female and 46% male. The report shows the platform is mostly used by the age groups 25-34 and 35-44, responsible for 41.54% and 31.09% of purchases, respectively.

Recently, the delivery platform has seen a significant response with new site visitors making up 81.3% of consumers. According to Global Media Insight, mobile is the preferred device for 53% of internet users in the UAE, explaining why 78% of consumers use NRTC Fresh’s app compared to the website.

However, cash-on-delivery is still the preferred payment option among consumers. According to its statistics, 53% of consumers use cash-on-delivery compared to 39% that use online payment. NRTC Fresh also reveals that mango is the most searched fruit on the platform, and most orders happen on Saturday.

“Our data shows that online consumer shopping has increased over the past year, with purchase decisions heavily influenced by factors such as age, gender, day of the week, etc,” said Mr. Mohammad Nassar Chief Executive Officer of NRTC Fresh. “The increasing popularity makes it more important for us to provide an extensive range of options for consumers to get the best shopping experience without compromising quality.” He added.

NRTC Fresh offers a wide range of locally grown and top-quality imported fruit and vegetables that can be purchased from, or the NRTC Fresh App available on the App Store and Google Play.