Swiss Group outlines top 10 reasons for businesses to migrate to UAE

The senior lawyer told delegates that corporate migration may be considered for a variety of reasons: “It is a useful scenario for taking advantage of a more favourable legal and business friendly environment; transferring an offshore business to onshore; while also fulfilling the new international standard of ‘Economic Substance’ requirements and gaining better proximity to clients and/or new markets”.

Dr Ahmad Saeed Bin Hezeem Al Suwaidi’s thoughts on EMAC DIFC Arbitration Center merger

Utilizing the history of DIAC, alongside the procedures and diverse nature of all three centers will see processes streamlined, provide a centralized workstream and will certainly see more organisations and individuals choosing Dubai as their seat of arbitration. I am particularly pleased with the decision to include EMAC – given how important maritime is to this region history and future.

DIFC hosts first Blockchain week to help accelerate UAE’s digital economy

“Awareness and adoption of Blockchain is growing rapidly. DIFC Blockchain Week is a unique opportunity to meet the best minds in the sector and discuss ways to strengthen and expand Blockchain use cases,” says Arif.

DIFC based hospitality group Lab Holding launches two new tech food startups

“During Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, Foodtech solutions became indispensable, and launching businesses in the digital sector that adapt quickly with the forced change behavior of the masses could not be ignored,” said CEO Lab Holding.

Napier opens its new office at DIFC

The world’s leading financial and FinTech institutions are based at DIFC and we are delighted to welcome Napier into the fold. Our new Innovation Hub is the region’s largest and most comprehensive innovation ecosystem and provides FinTechs at all stages of their evolution with unparalleled access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, experts and technology innovators such as Napier.