To stay up with current applications and data expansion, many SMB customers, like their corporate counterparts, seek to streamline their IT processes, minimise risk, and install quicker and more scalable storage solutions.
TerraMaster, a professional brand that specialises in supplying innovative storage devices for homes, businesses, and enterprises, has announced the release of the all-new T9-423 9-bay high-performance NAS built for small and medium-sized businesses.
“This unique achievement is an example of innovation in commercial technology addressing critical national security issues,” said Admiral Michael S. Rogers USN (Ret.), former Director, National Security Agency (NSA) and Chief, Central Security Service (CSS).
“At Nutanix, our top priorities is to provide customers with best service and products possible. Throughout the past year we have continuously enabled our customers to innovate and empower those around them,” said Tonya Chin.
The Lexar ARES DDR5 Desktop Memory increases PC performance for multitasking with higher performance while using the latest 12th Gen Intel Core processor, whether running speed-demanding video games, video editing software, or processing strenuous jobs.